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Start and End of Day Times

It is a challenge to squeeze the timetabled lessons into the school week. Therefore registration takes place promptly 10 minutes after the doors are open in the morning (see times below) with teaching commencing immediately afterwards (members of the Senior Leadership Team walk the corridors during registration time to ensure that all pupils are in class and not wasting time by the coat pegs).

Doors open

Registration and lessons start







Years 1



Year 2 and Key Stage 2



To allow children time to settle into school in the morning, sort out their belongings and pass messages onto their class teacher we open the doors 10 minutes earlier than registration time. Please endeavour to drop your child off when the doors are opened in the morning. Children who arrive at school after their registration time and before 9.30am will have to enter school via the main office to sign in. They will be recorded as present but late. Any child arriving after 9.30am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

We stagger the finish times at the end of the day to try and alleviate the difficulties you face with parking (we would however, encourage you to walk by engaging in our Walk Once a Week scheme). The end of day times for the different age groups across the school are as follows:

Collect children





Years 1 & 2


Key Stage 2


In an exceptional case should you find yourself struggling to pick your child up on time, please can you contact the school office (233280) and inform them who will be picking your child up or if there is no one available to do this, then ask a member of the office staff to inform the class teacher.

At times, we have been left supervising uncollected children for a significant period of time at the end of the school day. This can be a safeguarding issue and we therefore have an ‘Uncollected Child Policy’.

If your child is not collected within 15 minutes after closing time, the following steps should be taken:

  • A check should be made for information about changes to the normal collection routines
  • Reasonable attempts should be made to contact:
  • Parents or carers at home or at work
  • Other adults authorised to collect the child from the setting
  • The child should not leave the premises with anyone other than parents or nominated carers

If no-one can be contacted to collect the child after  one hour, the relevant Children’s Social Care Area Team or Police should be contacted.

It is therefore essential that your contact details are up to date. If you change any contact details, please inform the school office immediately.