Dear Parents
I hope that your children have now settled in well and are enjoying their time at The Willows. With
Christmas fast approaching it is an exciting time and parents and carers can look forward to some
magical moments towards the end of term!
I’d like to take this opportunity to let you know about the work of the Governing Body. We are a
group of 9 people selected from a variety of backgrounds, bringing a wide range of skills to the task
of holding the Headteacher to account for the running of the school.
We provide a balance of challenge and support to the Headteacher and senior leaders as they work
hard to improve our already high standards and provide a wide range of opportunities for all children
in a dynamic and exciting environment. We currently meet on a monthly basis and also visit school
during the school day to look at specific areas of interest such as sports funding spending.
Our aim is for all children to feel safe and happy at school so that they are ready to learn, enjoy
school life and fulfil their potential.
The PTFA are doing their usual wonderful job of putting on the Christmas Fayre on Monday 30
November and I hope to see many of you there.
Should you have any comments or questions about the work of the Governing Body, please contact
me via the school office.
Yours faithfully
Fiona Weston
Chair of Governors