At The Willows Primary School we believe that excellence begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage and aim to offer high-quality early years education with a strong focus on communication. The firm foundations laid in our nursery and reception classes underpins children’s future learning as they move into Key Stage 1 and beyond.
We ensure that our youngest children feel happy and safe, and are motivated and equipped to achieve their personal high aspirations in a stimulating and purposeful environment. In this environment, children are given the opportunity to express choices, make decisions and grow in independence. We nurture and respect each and every child with consistent, caring relationships built on trust and communication. In this way, children are encouraged to develop confidence, self-esteem, co-operation and to be respectful of others and their needs.
Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that it is carefully structured, exciting and imaginative. Through careful observation, assessment and effective pedagogy, adults working with the children are responsive to individual needs and interests in learning. Books and talk are at the heart of our curriculum, and we use stories to learn about the world, ourselves, and each other. These stories allow us to nurture and develop the Characteristics of Effective Learning for all children: “playing and exploring”, “active learning” and “creating and thinking critically” through the opportunities provided. Children’s curiosity and creative thinking is valued and developed by giving them the time to explore ideas and celebrate their learning.Through encouragement, modelling and questioning, we enable children to become resilient, confident life-long learners.
We foster a supportive, positive atmosphere where there is mutual respect between school, children, families and the community. We work alongside parents and extended families, to fully develop every opportunity for every child to develop their full potential, while meeting the changing needs of children and their families. Diversity is celebrated and we aim to be fully inclusive in everything we do.
The Seven Areas of Learning
There are seven Areas of Learning and development which must be taught in the Early Years. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. However, three Prime Areas provide a foundation for learning in all of the other areas and are key in developing relationships. These are:
Prime Areas
- Communication and Language Development:This area is key for all of the other areas of learning. It is important for children to have a language rich environment where conversations are plentiful and new vocabulary is introduced. Children need to be read to frequently from a variety of genres and the opportunity taken to use and embed new words in a range of contexts. Children need to have conversations, tell stories and role play with sensitive questioning from adults to encourage them to elaborate.
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development:This area is crucial in order for them to lead happy and healthy lives as well as their cognitive development. Through positive relationships with adults and others they begin to understand their own and others feelings. Children will be supported in managing their emotions, building confidence, setting goals, persisting and sharing. Through their interactions, they will build friendships, co-operate, and resolve conflicts. They will learn to look after their bodies and become independent in meeting their own needs.
- Physical Development: This area is vital in supporting children to lead happy, healthy and active lives. Children will be supported in developing their gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are required for healthy bodies and social and emotional wellbeing while fine motor skills underpin later work in literacy.
Specific Areas
- Literacy Development:Children are supported in developing a love of reading which involves both language comprehension and word reading. Opportunities for writing include transcription and composition.
- Mathematics: Through mathematics, children develop a strong sense of number. Children will be taught to count as well as understand pattern and relationships in number.
- Understanding the World: Children are encouraged to make sense of their physical world and community through experiences, technology, stories, rhymes and poems.
- Expressive Arts and Design: Through this educational programme children’s artistic and cultural awareness is developed to support their imagination and creativity. Children have the opportunity to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials.