Dear Parents/Carers
Spring has arrived and the Easter Holiday is nearly upon us, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to update you on the work the Governing Board has been doing this term.
Governors were pleased to welcome a new parent governor, Mr Shaun Jukes, to the board in January.
As usual at this time of year, the Finance Committee, together with Mrs Thursfield and Mrs Simms, the School Business Manager, have been looking at the school’s finances and planning for the financial year ahead. The recommendations agreed at these meetings are then presented to the full Governing Board for their scrutiny and approval.
At full Governing Board meetings governors were joined by Mr Hughes, who presented an update on the implementation of Inspire Maths and tested our mathematical prowess! Miss Pickerill also spent time with governors discussing the use of i-pads as a learning platform and the work being done in school to ensure our children are E-safety aware.
I hope you have an enjoyable break.
Should you have any comments or questions about the work of the Governing Body, please contact
me via the school office.
Yours faithfully
Fiona Weston
Chair of Governors