Category Archives: News

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Break up for Christmas

Friday 16th December

PTFA Disco Day

Thursday 15th – children to wear party clothes all day

Christmas dinner days

Tuesday 13th for Reception, Y3, Y4 and Y6 classes Wednesday 14th for Nursery, Y1, Y2 and Y5 classes

Y2 Carol Concert

Tuesday 13th – performances at 9.15am and 2pm

Fitness Friday

Friday 9th December – all children to come to school in P.E kits.

Y1 Alice in Wonderland theatre visit

Friday 9th December

Reception – Castaway Visit

Thursday 8th December

Christmas Jumper Day – for ‘Save the Children’

Thursday 8th December

1AA Nativity

Thursday 8th December at 9.30am

1WG Nativity

Wednesday 7th December at 9.30am