Category Archives: News

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Tuesday 10th March – Dance 2020

The Dance Club will be performing at The Victoria Hall – children to meet at 6pm, performance at 6.30pm.

Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th March – Book Fair 3-4pm

Monday 9th March – Y4 Mount Cook Residential Meeting

There will be an information meeting at 3.15pm regarding the residential.  A creche will be available for siblings.

Friday 6th March – 3TC visit to Etruria Canal Museum

Thursday 5th March – World Book Day

All children can come to school in their pyjamas!

Wednesday 4th March – 3HP visit to Etruria Canal Museum

Monday 2nd March – 3EB visit to Etruria Canal Museum

Wednesday 26th February – Reception Bikeability

Tuesday 25th February – Science Fair

Please come and join the Science fun 3.10-4.30pm.

Tuesday 25th February – Dress like a scientist day!

See information on recent newsletters.