Monthly Archives: November 2023

Y1 Class Showcases

Monday 18th 1 Beech Class Showcase at 2pm Tuesday 19th 1 Rowan Class Showcase at 2pm Wednesday 20th 1 Hawthorn Class Showcase at 2pm

Y2 Christmas Carol Concert

Friday 15th December at 2.30pm

Reception Deer Nativity Performance

Monday 4th December at 2pm

Nursery Visits to Amerton Farm

Monday 4th December                  Nursery Foxes and Badgers Tuesday 5th December                 Nursery Squirrels and Hedgehogs                                   

PTFA Winter Fest and Fireworks Event

Friday 1st December 6-8pm

Non-Uniform day for PTFA donations

Monday 20th November

School Photos Day

Monday 27th November – individual and sibling photos for children in school. Arrive from 8am for siblings outside of school. Full, neat uniform please.

Fitness Friday for Y4, Y5 and Y6

Friday 24th November

Fitness Friday for EYFS, Y1, Y2 and Y3

Friday 17th November