Author Archives: Charlotte Beltran

4TC Class Showcase

Monday 6th March at 2.30pm

World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March – see Class Dojo for more information.

Reception Bikeability

Monday 27th February to Friday 3rd March

School opens for children

Monday 27th February

Break up for half term holiday

Friday 17th February

Y5 NASA Night

Thursday 16th February, after school until 8pm. See Y5 Dojo for more information.

Science Week

From Monday 13th February. Wednesday 15th – dress as a scientist day. Science Fair after school – see Dojo for more details.

2JR Class Showcase

Thursday 9th February at 2.30pm

Y6 Bikeability

Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th February

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 7th February